Elmira Coogan
9 min readNov 22, 2018


The sound of rain on the roof kept me up . Rolling around restless on the bed, I tried to find peace to enable me to sleep. I needed to . Tomorrow was going to be a big day

I had just moved into my dorm. A university , where I hoped my dreams would be made.

100 backwards

It used to work for me when I had trouble sleeping

99, 98,97….. 78,77,76


I had my first class , medical chemistry by 9am. I picked up my outfit prior to the day .

It consisted of a dua lipa shirt I got during her concert, my favorite ripped jeans and a nike sneakers .

In class, I glanced around trying to give stories to people based on their faces . It was a habit of mine , used it to pass time by.

“Hello , could you move a seat or two” a tiny voice said

Standing next to me was a little female . She looked so fragile , her skin pasty white almost the color of marble . Her voluminous champagne curls cascaded over her white shoulders , wafting a delicate aroma of honeysuckle into the class as she swished in my direction

“Oh sure I’m sorry”

“It’s fine , thank you “ she said softly , her voice sounding like an echo in a cave

“My name is moniece “ she said

She didn’t look like a moniece , she didn’t have too much tan and she wasn’t extra . But I played along

“Katherine But You can call me Kate”

“What a lovely name”

Class started and a grumpy old woman came in to the hall


After almost 2 hours of med chem , the class was over .

Waking through the corridor of the building , I tried taking in the beautiful sight. The colorful doors, the warmth of the hall, the whispers of students studying and the smell of clean wooden tables

Suddenly my admiration came to a halt when I was bumped into. Falling backwards right on my Butt, I tried to get up with no help from the person who got me down.

“Watch where you are going” he said with command

My body tingled as he spoke , his husky voice waking me up from a dream I didn’t think I was in. The more I resisted the effect his voice had on me, the more vulnerable it left me

With the little courage I mustered, I tried telling him off

“Well take your advice and stop walking around like you own the hall” I said

He pauses and looked me dead in the eyes. His glacial blue eyes , coldness in which had no depth .

He looked graceful.

“Aren’t you the sassy type” he said as he stared into my eyes

Getting uncomfortable, I roll my eyes and walk pass him . He stops it me midway and puts his hand on my scapula . His hands rough, like that of someone who had sandpapered his palms.

“Tell me your name”


“Because I asked you to”

“What if I don’t “

“I would find out”


“I have my ways angel”

“Don’t call me that”

“Well Then tell me Your name”


He smiles as if he was accepting my name for me


Jason. The tone to it was beautiful, matching him perfectly.

“I have to go , bye” I said hurriedly walking away from him.


Back at my dorm, my room was pretty hot.

Myself too

I spent all day thinking of Jason, closing my eyes , envisioning his face , taking it all in.


“Who is it”


What was she doing here !

I opened the door and there stood moniece with her 3 luggage .

“Is this room 312” she asked

“Yes it is, you been assigned here?” I asked

“Yes , this is my room for this year”

“Why do come in”

Moniece wasn’t much for words as I tried to engage with her as she unpacked. So I left her to it as I went back to my bed.


“Hello Angel “


It had to be. No one on my contact list would call me that . But how did he get my number ?


“Yes Angel?”

“Kate, my name is Kate”

“No I think I like Angel better “


“What do you want Jason”

“To meet you again”


“Because I like the effect you have on me Angel”

It was A 5 min interaction , what sort of effect could that be ? I thought

But I wanted to see him again too. Because I couldn’t deny the effect HE had on me and I wasn’t one to beat around the bush

“Meet me at the alpha sorority house in 10 minutes” I said

“Sure Angel”

I threw on my “kiss my ass” Tees and tucked it in my shorts and left for the sorority house nervous.

Jason’s POV


She was soft , her sunken grey eyes like reflections from the aspect of an angel . Her skin , caramel smooth and shining , as a sword out of a sheath. Her beautiful African hair, black as night.


I guess that was her full name . Ever since I bumped into her , I Hadn’t stopped thinking of her . Things I wanted to do to her

I thought of ripping of her dua lipa shirt right where the heart of her femininity was. I thought of taking of her pants off and laying between her legs . It was so hot in the room

I had to take a bath

After my bath , I still saw her . I couldn’t take it anymore .

“Mary hello”

“Mr Smith , good evening how may I be of help”

“I need you to check a student for me, and get me her telephone number “

“And whom may that be Mr Smith “

“Goes by Katherine , she is a new student”

“Mr Smith , you know I’m not allowed to do this, your dad would be pretty upset and I…”

“’Mary, my dad won’t know about this please” I said trying to persuade her

Finally Mary gave in and sent me the number

So I texted her

“Hello Angel”


He was no where in sight. Starting to wonder if I was too early or if he was going to show , I started walking back .

I hated waiting for people

“Angel wait” the voice said


“You kept me waiting”

“I’m sorry, can we sit down” he said as he pointed at his black rolls Royce in the Driveway

Skeptical for a second , I refused to move

“Don’t worry angel, I won’t harm you”

Reluctantly , I went along with him. Once we were in the car , he central locked it and turned to me

“If At any point , you aren’t comfortable, please do tell me and I’ll take you back to your dorm” he said

I nodded slowly

And then it started

We talked about so many things , he told me about himself, asked me about myself too. We shared little details and spent all of time in the car just talking

A part of me wanted to tear his shirt off and jump him but I held myself . As I looked at his luscious pink lips wet with his saliva .

“I feel like I have known you forever angel”he said staring into my vulnerable eyes

Angel . I loved the way he called me that

It made the hair on my skin stand and it weakened my soul.

“We Just Met Jason” i said sarcastically

“You don’t understand angel and I don’t expect you too but you have this power over me already and I cant seem to break free” he said moving closer to me .

It was clear Jason was trying to make a move and he was waiting for my approval .

The moral part of me wanted to ask him to take me home but it was overshadowed and overwhelmed by desire and need.

He put his hands between my thighs , caressing them like they were pieces of chicken he wanted to eat . he leaned forward and kissed my neck which made leg shudder with pleasure .

He took his time with my face , as he used his hand to examine it , touching everywhere gently and carefully . He pulled me closer to him and he suaviated my lips , gently .

My body couldn’t fight the pleasure . I hadn’t even felt this way when I lost my virginity to my highschool boyfriend . This was different. It felt different

“Stop” he said

“Why” I said disgruntled and pissed he stopped

“Kate I cant stop myself, if we continue this it’s going to lead to something I’m not sure you’ll like” he said closing his eyes

Before I could stop myself from speaking, the words came right through my mouth

“Don’t stop then, take me”


“Don’t stop then , take me” she said

I needed to hear that more than she knew.

“Are you sure Kate”

“Very sure Jason” she said , the urgent need dripping in her voice

I wanted to take her there and then, I wanted to make love to her but I couldn’t . She Deserved more than a car . So I took her home

Once in a while I would sneak a peak at Kate and she would be staring at me . It was as if she never stopped .

She put her hands on my bulge and caressed it like a trophy she had won


I couldn’t concentrate . My head was a mess and it was even a bigger mess when she took off her panties .

“I didn’t think you were the freaky type”

“Well I’m not , it’s just really hot” she said her voice cracking with desire.

“We are almost there , hold on tight”

Jason’s house

Kate’s POV

We got to Jason’s house, a castle like building but I didn’t have time to gaze and admire . What I needed was right in front of me .

He took me to his room and I sat on his bed .

“So ar…”

I cut him short with a kiss on the mouth. He tasted like raspberry and his touch made me drunk. Drunk with needs

Jason’s POV

She used her hands to caress my body, tracing from side to side . Using her teeth , she teased my neck , definitely leaving a hickey. I moaned slowly and her eyes lit up. You could tell she liked the sound of it

Kate’s POV

He was so big yet he seemed so fragile. It felt as if I could break him at any moment. I had that power .

He suddenly carried me up and pinned me to the bed , I under his arms at his mercy . Using his tongue to mark my body , he left trials of kisses right from my neck to my Yoni.

He used his teeth to take my panties off and comes right back up to kiss me again.

It felt like heaven . Heaven on earth

“Are you sure about this Kate” he asked

“Completely sure Jason” I said affirmatively

And that was how I became his .

2 weeks later .

Jason’s POV

Kate stopped picking my calls after that night . I tried calling , going to her place but to no avail. It was like she didn’t exist anymore

I tried to forget about her but I couldn’t . I needed her . I wanted her

I passed by her hostel again when I saw a familiar face.

“Hey moniece , how are you”

“What do you want Jason”

“I’m not trying to bother but have you seen Kate?”

“At the sorority house , now buzz off “

She needs to get laid

“Thank you”

Walking to the sorority house I tried to come up with words , questions , something to say to her but they were all messed up in my head

there she was, on the bench crying


“Angel what’s wrong”

Kate looked up and was frightened when she saw Me, like she had seen a ghost.

“Leave me alone Jason” she yelled

“Why are you doing this kate, I thought we were good”

“Good? You ruined my life Jason”

“How , we both wanted it Kate , I didn’t force you. So tell me how I have ruined you

“You really want to know?”

“Yes I do”

“I’m pregnant Jason And YOU are the father” she said

It took a while to process and I was speechless

“See I thought as much” she said as she picked up her bag and walked away

I couldn’t move , I couldn’t stop her

I didn’t know what to do so I let her go.


