Elmira Coogan
6 min readJan 16, 2019

Short story 3

Obsessed ( inspired by series YOU and dexter )

The scent of her perfume was all he could think about. The way her eyes lit up when she spoke , excited for people to hear her speak. Her sun streaked chestnut hair flowed down to her shoulders. Fully and wiry.

Every detail to the core , he noted. She made him sick in a good way, a bad drug he needed more of .

But people like her Didn’t notice people like him. He was invisible .

He had to make his mark , one way or the other . He wasn’t presented with a lot of chances to do so but when He got the cHance ,He made it count .

Zahra was obsessed with collecting Art works that she could obviously afford . That was where He met her for the first time, A gallery .

He had his eyes on the most beautiful piece in the whole room and to brag, it was his. Suddenly , He smelled it. The strong whiff of her perfume . He had to turn .

Right behind him stood the most beautiful woman He had ever laid his eyes on. He stared for so long , he didn’t realize she was looking at him too.

“Do you always glare at people like that” she asked

Dumbfounded , He kept mute.

If his blood was taken at that exact moment, it would have been really hot .

“I’m sorry” He finally said and hurriedly walked away .

He watched her from a distance as she admired his artwork . It made him smile, seeing as how she looked at the piece , like she was trying to live in it .

2 weeks after the museum

Ever since the museum , he followed Zahra everywhere

He was a freelancer with a lot of free time .

He studied her , watched her.

Her favorite Starbucks, her Work place , her best friends , her home , her parents home.

It was an unexplainable urge , the need to know her.

She still wasn’t aware of his existence

So He decided to change that.

He found a way for her company to send her over to take pictures with his work. It was a big deal, as no one knew who he was . He was the mysterious artist ,Ghost. He was so excited he cleaned his home , twice .

He knew what route she would take, what time she would arrive . He knew so much about her that it was only right she knew a little about him

Zahra POV

The company I worked for had sent me to cover one of the most mysterious artists in the whole of Dubai .

He had never been seen by anyone And I was going to be the first person to ever get a picture with his artwork.They called him Ghost

I was honored .

I got to his house and rang the bell waiting for an answer

*door opens *

What is he doing here


“Welcome Zahra “ he said

He had nice blue eyes , the kind described in books . He was a really handsome man

HOw didn’t I see it at the gallery !

“Can you tell your boss I am here please”I said

He smiled mischievously and did a 360.

“Well hello Zahra, you asked to see me”he said laughing

He was a bit disappointed at Zahra’s remark. She assumed He was the butler and that hurt his little man ego but it was ok. No one had actually ever seen his face so He understood her.

“Come In zahra “ he said

She was wearing a sheer white top. he could see her black bra and it took every bit of control not to pin her against the wall.

The look she had on her face was a bolt from the blue , truly amazed .

“I’m so sorry for the remark mr ghost, is it ok if I call you ghost becausealotofpeoplejust… “she said rambling

Cutting her gently he said

“My name’s mark . Calm down Zahra , I don’t bite”

“I cAnt Believe this is real , I’m so honored mark” she said grinning

She thought of him highly


  1. Make sure Zahra notices you ✅


After Zahra settled down, she dug right in to work. With every move she made, his body ached to make it’s own. Her sweat dripping down her very visible cleavage .

She was unaware of the things she did to him and the things He wanted to do her.

3 hours later

It took her 46 min to take all the pictures . The remaining time they had , they spoke .

About everything and anything . he pretended to be shocked about most of the things she said . He already knew. Too much

“Can I Make us Coffee” she said

“Sure” He said

She stood up and made her way to the kitchen , her hips swaying from left to right.


She came back with 2 cups of coffee and a huge smile . He knew He wouldn’t mind waking up to that face everyday .

“Here you go” she said dropping it on the table

they both reached out to the sugar at the same time as she grazed his hand softly.

Looking him right in the eye , she picked up her cup and sipped

The coffee was hot but she didn’t blink or react. At this point his head was spinning. She was affecting him too much.

Or so He thought. The more He drank the coffee ,the more free and loose His body felt .

He tried to stand up but he couldn’t . It was as if he had no legs. He wanted to move badly but he couldn’t

“Don’t bother mark” Zahra said as she picked up his cup ,took it to the kitchen where she threw away the coffee inside. She put his cup in her bag and washed hers.

What was going on he thought

“What Have you have done” he asked

“Oh you fool, isn’t it obvious” she said mockingly

Zahra’s POV

It was easy to fool people especially if you could act really well. I had a degree in pretending aka acting.

It was easy to fall prey to my lies and deceit . Men fell easier because I was beautiful and I knew how much they desired me .

With women that were targets , they were friends .every female desires that one friend and I waS that one friend to them

Well until I kill them

I found joy in the screams , the look on their faces when they realized who I was and what I had done.

My victims were always rich, important to the society. I would kill them and take their precious belongings . It was like taking candy from a baby

Mark was the first victim I had that actually put work into me . He followed me for weeks, studied me , well studied what I wanted him to study .

He was sick and I was sicker . It was A bond formed in Hell. I didn’t expect him to want to see me that quickly but I didn’t mind . I was prepared for him.

I was 10 steps ahead

“Help me please “ he pleaded

“Oh hunny I wish I could” I said laughing

You see, the poison I gave my victims had no cure . Hemlock . Very potent toxic plant

I would douse my victims drink with 100g of hemlock and let the poison work

Very slow but efficient

“You see the drug is going to paralyze you with your mind wide awake and eventually your respiratory system will shut down” I explained as the good killer I was .

“Why” he asked

“I don’t need a reason to shed blood , just the same way you don’t need one to stalk me “ I said as he looked at me shocked

“Oh you thought you had me at the tip of your hand? You thought you were invisible ? I wish that was true because then you would still be alive hunny” I said mockingly

At this point mark couldn’t speak anymore. He could hardly breathe

Zahra picked up 3 of his most expensive works and walked up to mark

“Any last words” she asked

“Sc..r..ew y…” mark said as his eyes finally shut

Laughing , Zahra walked out of the house with her new paintings

“Well at least you didn’t die invisible “ she said as she walked away .